This Bizarre (Mewsical?) Instrument Has Fur and Meows and Growls Like a Cat



Up till now, I assumed the weirdest musical instrument was both the theramin or the otamatone. However I used to be flawed. This. This is the weirdest musical instrument ever. This curious trying pile of gray fur isn’t a cat that’s been flattened by a steamroller. Nope, it’s a interactive piece of audio artwork.

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What you’re is “Mew.” Principally, while you get close to it, it emits a mushy and comforting purr. Then when you get nearer and begin petting it, a collection of meow sounds come out. However these aren’t simply cute and cuddly cat noises, no. This factor seems like a clowder of cats in warmth within the alley behind my home. And by that I imply, it’s not a pleasing sound. Push it round an excessive amount of, and it would even hiss at you.

Mew was designed a number of years again by a bunch of product design, data expertise design, and visible communication college students on the Royal Faculty of Artwork in London. Their rectangular kitty has a mind powered by an Arduino, and a voice field powered by MaxMSP. The perfect factor about this bizarre noisemaker is that it doesn’t want a litter field.

[via Boing Boing via Born in Space]



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